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Image by Nikhil kumar

Soulful Self Care



It’s a holistic practice for living your life from the inside out, by cultivating a deep connection with your Higher Self that includes:

Listening to your deepest wisdom

Following your intuitive intelligence

Nurturing your body and Soul

You may see yourself in my story. Looking back, I realize I spent most of my life with some level of worry, fear or anxiety. I thought it was “normal” to feel like this. I was stuck in “people-pleasing” mode, and was constantly worried about everyone else’s well-being, all while making sure NOT to ruffle anyone’s feathers! Ultimately, my health deteriorated into severe anxiety and panic attacks.


I knew I couldn’t live this way any longer and began a search for a better way. In this new world I began to experience the healing power of my breath, essential oils, yoga, meditation, healthy nutrition, and awareness of my thoughts and energy to care for my body. And I found my way through to the other side, back to vibrancy and love for life!


When we work together through coaching, energy work, yoga, and the power of essential oils, you will strengthen your awareness of your inner, Soulful Self —so you can live life from a place of conscious awareness, balance, embodied presence, and joy!

It's time to say YES to shifting your life for the better RIGHT NOW! There’s no time like the present to feel amazing!

Do you find yourself…



Thinking every day life feels like groundhog day - the same thing, over and over…stuck in a rut.


Struggling to get through your day without going without several cups of coffee or a bottle of wine.


Feeling frustrated, crying at the drop of a hat.


Dreading the thought of going back to your job one more day

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Feeling numb, flat-lined and unable to remember the last time you were moved to tears or laughed til you nearly (or actually did!) pee your pants.

If you see yourself in any of these statements, you’re in the right place. I understand. I have been where you are.

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I help women who are busy, driven and tend to give too much stop anxiety and stress from running.​​

Image by Chelsea shapouri

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What Clients Say

“I had been thinking for quite some time that something was missing from my life and that there just had to be more for me. I knew it to my core, but had not idea what it was or how to find it. I have always believed that people appear in your life when you need them most, and Mary is proof for me. I had run into her around town a few times, been in conversations where her name kept coming up, and then one emotionally lost day I opened a local magazine straight to her advertisement. That was all I needed, my sign, and the moment I knew I need to reach out to her. Since working with Mary as my coach, I have been on an incredible journey to self-love and discovery. She has taught me how to see past the destruction of a cluttered and confused mind so that I can feel my heart and identify what truly makes me a happy and content woman.”

- Dawn Nicklas

Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.

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